The upside down Rainbow!

On Monday, February 4th we had some amazing things happening on our playground.  It was a very cold day and there was a lot of snow for us to play in.

First thing in the morning we noticed something very special in the sky. As we were getting ready to line up at bell time we noticed a rainbow in the sky. It wasn't an ordinary rainbow.  It was an upside down rainbow.  The children said it "looks like a smile!"  It didn't fall downwards either.  It was a joyful smile in the highest part of the sky.  The colours were not in the usual order for a rainbow-they were in the opposite order!

Upside down rainbows, or 'circumzenithal arcs' as they're properly referred to, are a rare optical phenomenon similar in appearance to a rainbow.  However, their make-up couldn't be any more different.

Unlike common rainbows which form when light reflects through raindrops, mist, or sea spray, a circumzenithal arc develops when ice crystals high up in the atmosphere bounce the rainbow's light rays back up into the sky.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year! 

Welcome back to a brand new year.  It is exciting to welcome the children back to Kindergarten after a refreshing break.  My experience with this age group reminds me that January brings many exciting developments.  The children returned refreshed and rested and ready to face new exciting challenges.  We will witness eager learners who will start reading and writing words all over the classroom and we will watch with excitement as children begin to pick up books and discover, "hey, I can read this!"
The wonderful thing about a new year is that we can make new resolutions and a fresh new start.  We will challenge the children with new goals and new aspirations.  How can you help with our fresh new start?  In the most important way......
As always, thank you for your help and support in your child's education.

You are your child's most important teacher.